The President of SEESPM
Prof. Orion Gliozheni
The President of the Congress
Prof. Dr. Acar Koç
President: Orion Gliozheni (Albania)
President Elect: Acar Koç (Türkiye)
Past President: Nicolas Papantoniou (Greece)
Secretary General: Daniel Mureşan (Romania)
Secretary Special: George Daskalakis (Greece)
Treasurer: Enkeleida Prifti (Albania)
Member: Milan Stanojevic (Croatia)
Member: Snezana Crnogorac (Monte Negro)
Orion Gliozheni (Albania)
Nikolas Papantoniou (Greece)
Daniel Mureşan (Romania)
Apostolos Athanasiadis (Greece)
Olivera Kontic (Serbia)
Stefan Verlohren (Germany)
Aris Antsaklis (Greece)
Alex Farr (Austria)
Diogo Ayres-de-Campos (Portugal)
Milan Stanojevic (Croatia)
Radu Vladareanu (Romania)
George Daskalakis (Greece)
Enkeleda Prifti (Albania)
Snezana Crnogorac (Monte Negro)
Aris Antsaklis (Greece)
M. Sinan Beksaç (Türkiye)
Nebojsa Radunovic (Serbia)
Florin Stamatian (Romania)
Ratko Matievic (Croatia)
Apostolos Athanasiadis (Greece)
Olivera Kontic-Vucinic (Serbia)
Nikolas Papantoniou (Greece)
Orion Gliozheni (Albania)
Rıza Madazlı (President of TMFTP)
İnanç Mendilcioğlu (Secretary of TMFTP)
Şevki Çelen (Treasurer of TMFTP)
Recep Has
İbrahim Kalelioğlu
Sermet Sağol
Filiz Yanık
Gökhan Yıldırım
M. Sinan Beksaç (Rep. of General Assembly of TMFTPD)